
Refund Processing Time

Refund processing time varies depending on the method of payment used. The credit can be returned to the original payment method in 6-10 business days after the refund (total or partial) is processed. Please consider that the refund processing time may vary depending on the method of payment used.

Refunds may occur:

When a part or several parts in order were canceled. For example, Part NLA, Partial cancellation, Tax exemption (When applied) For the cancellation of a complete order. Regular return of an order. Claims.

How You'll Receive Your Refund

According to U.S. law, refund credits must be returned to the card of the original purchase. If the card can no longer be charged back (lost card, stolen card, or when the refund gets denied because the customer's bank declines it.), we’ll use Zelle to process the refund to your account.